This Is Not The End: After Anthroposophy

One day, when the reality of the spiritual world is more generally accepted, the word anthroposophy will no longer be necessary.

Though, Anthroposophia will be needed to signify the high entity who nurtured the emergence of a spiritual dimension into the world of science.

We are at a place where it is both appropriate and inappropriate for the times to call anthroposophy ‘spiritual science’ because the bifurcation of reality is gradually placing a portion of humanity in a different relationship with Time entirely.

The astounding complexity of the evolutionary process from anthroposophy to post-anthroposophy is reflected in the fact that it is taking place, nonetheless, within human beings who have no relationship to the movement.

This creates a conundrum which precisely coincides with the task of our time.

If we hold too tightly to the established material in favor of sheer proliferation, it becomes ahrimanic.

If we lose the thread of what Anthroposophy has established in favor of sheer unalloyed revelation, it becomes luciferic.

This need for a third aspect to harmonize two opposing forces that is the Christ impulse requires a wholly different communion with the present and its accelerating split.

I am holding the established material alongside the impulses that seek to evolve it.

By doing so, ironically, I am participating in what will eventually make the term ‘anthroposophy’ obsolete.

There is a strong contingency between living esoteric texts and their power to initiate and the level of ahrimanic influence allowed to rule one’s being and ergo in the collective.

In light of this, the shift, which was always deemed inevitable and is referenced countless times throughout Steiner’s material, must take place by way of experiencing to understand as opposed to knowing to understand.

What were once words written and turned to lectures must now come alive and be encountered in an expressly human way, now that the level of ahrimanic influence is slowly but steadily approaching its zenith.

—Without, however, devolving into pure experimentation.

The base must remain, yet its form must change.

Those who are initiated into the stream of Anthroposophia by way of the established texts will find the new impulses that arise as a result to be distinctly and purely artistic in nature.

For the spiritual faculties we possess for art are the only means by which this merging can take place.

The ‘conundrum’ will find its way into the personal evolution of those connected to the life stream of this planet.

Thus, in the future, the term artist just as the term anthroposophist will no longer be viable as a signifier for what it is today.

Yours In All,



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