Intuitive Consultations

You are on the cusp of a breakthrough that calls you out of the waiting room.

Maybe you’ve gotten a sense of it, bits and pieces at best.

But what you’re really seeking is one shining, coherent realization that ties it all together and, like magic, transforms your confusion into a clear opening you can step through like it’s nothing.

You’re sitting on the sidelines of a turning point——

and it’s for these times precisely that my psychic circuitry was designed.

Unlike Transmissions, intuitive consultations are for revealing with laser-sharp precision the very nerve of right now.

  • When you’re looking too closely at the picture of your perceived obstacles

  • When you’ve lost sight of the creative freedom inherent in each and every moment

  • When you’ve isolated one aspect of self as if to point to it and say

This–— this right here is the problem

That’s where I come in to show you, through the context of your own life, how:

Who you are in one arena of life is who you are in all.

and the proof is hidden right there in plain sight, in the life you are already living.

There is nothing trivial in the eyes of spirit, every aspect contains the all.

The information I receive and then relay to you is so potent and so precise simply because the information I receive is originating from you and your life.

Now, the complexity doesn’t look like chaos because you can see for yourself just as sure as you know your own name that there are no outliers, there are no parts of you nor your life that are not perfectly interwoven.

And this is the heart of true confidence.

Times when we have (inevitably) stepped away from this truth, are the times when things appear immovable, unknowable, and impossible to solve.

I’m here to bring you back into the realm of what you already know so you can find yourself moving forward.

There is no separation between you and that realm.

Often all it takes is one person, one conversation to wake you from the dream of disconnection, to help you


Your whole life can change in a day.

how you prepare

  • Questions are 100% optional. I spend an hour in a light trance state before we meet and that’s when I’m obtaining and organizing the information I will relay to you.

    If you have specific questions, I want you to really lean into and emphasize the specificity.

    First and foremost, put the power back in your hands when you are crafting up to two question(s).


    When will I…? vs. What can I…?

    See where the power is?

    Your question can still pertain to time, just remember you are not at the mercy of it and craft accordingly.

    Please be ready to submit your question(s) at the time of booking.

    You can prepare for your session by spending thirty-minutes to an hour prior in a state of relaxation and openness. Move slowly, do all things slowly, begin to create more space in your being.

    Another helpful tip: express your emotions in a raw and unfiltered way in writing before your session. It can start a little something like this…

    “I feel so angry because…”

    “I feel so disappointed by….”

    “I feel so disempowered by…”

    “I feel so inspired by…”

    “I feel hopeful for…”

    Don’t censor yourself.

    Again, use whatever means feels meaningful to you to create that space.

  • Questions are 100% optional. I spend an hour in a light trance state before we meet and that’s when I’m obtaining and organizing the information I will relay to you.

    You can prepare for your session by spending thirty-minutes to an hour prior in a state of relaxation and openness. Move slowly, do all things slowly, begin to create more space in your being.

    Another helpful tip: express your emotions in a raw and unfiltered way in writing before your session. It can start a little something like this…

    “I feel so angry because…”

    “I feel so disappointed by….”

    “I feel so disempowered by…”

    “I feel so inspired by…”

    “I feel hopeful for…”

    Don’t censor yourself.

    Again, use whatever means feels meaningful to you to create that space.

kind words